Sunday, October 7, 2012

The first weekend away Kapunda to Peter's Hill Day 2

A bad night's sleep for some, with an hour less, and for some due to intrusive music, yet again, from the local club.
It was chilly too, with the early start, frost on the ground and cold hands, however in spite of this all arrived ready for yet another day's AND it looked simply brilliant, blue sky and a charming mist.
Russell's Sunday Sermon
A shorter day was predicted, yet with some truly lovely walking, less road, more road reserve and even more off-track walking to be rewarded by views to blow the mind.
The first part of the morning we headed towards the Peter's Hill feature stopping to have a leisurely  morning tea on a road reserve before turning north  to walk parallel to it, past a new vineyard with an intriguing dam wall and some rather odd structures.
Are they art? or just large wood piles!
 A chat with the owners, whom Rob knew, failed to get an answer, though perhaps we didn't ask the question.
Soon after, began the initially sedate climb to Peter's Hill, followed by a more serious pull.
The reward, stunning views in every direction, west to Riverton and beyond and to the east, Marrabel and the Tothill Ranges (we will meet them again in another episode).

Peter's Hill can by sunny and windy, wet and windy, cold and windy BUT rarely warm and windless. We were blessed, as it was just that, with time to pause, catch out breath, fill in the logbook and move on to Marschall's Hut for lunch.
Marschall's Hut, one of the gems of the Heysen Trail, providing overnight accommodation for walkers, with a tank, half full, and a proper sit-down dunny (put to good use).
A long lunch ensued, as we had plenty of time and only a short walk to our cars. Some took the time to check out the cemetery down the hill, whilst others just laid back and enjoyed the perfect spring day.
Of course a leisurely lunch deserves a steep climb to follow, and we had just that and then a short stroll, though waist high canola, to the cars.
Everyone survived their first weekend away AND in spite of some not sleeping well, had a good time and will come back for "Country and Western" based at Riverton ( a much quieter town) next month.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

The first weekend away Kapunda to Peter's Hill Day 1

A new phase of E2E5 started this weekend with walking two days in a row AND our first weekend away.
Kapunda was our base and a number of walkers arrived on Friday afternoon, to get around the Saturday morning rush.
The more intrepid camped at the Kapunda Caravan Park, whilst others braved the cabins and a very noisy party adjacent, eliciting terse text messages to the caravan park management at midnight.
Russell gives the words of the day
The gathering point quickly filled with cars, the bus however beat us all there. There were the last minute directions over the phone  for some who had failed to update their ICN systems (that failed to recognise the new Northern Expressway). and we were off, back to Kapunda with 37 walkers.
Back in Kapunda and debussed, Russell gave the walk briefing of the day and Vicki after some deliberation presented the Heysen Hotshots to me, for my attack of German Measles the previous walk. She does make special mention of Peter Clark for providing the group with Bee-sting  for morning tea and Dana Florea for the six pack of German beer she carried until lunch then shared with us all. Much worthier recipients really.
Then it was off, out of Kapunda, over a fine stone bridge that spans Ross Creek, along back roads for quite some way until at last hitting a road reserve and some off-road walking.
We paused briefly near a ruin and bee-hives where quite a number of the girls made a dash for cover for a comfort stop, prior to us breaking out onto back roads again.
Some interesting back roads, Vogt Road, Holthouse Road, Black Joes Road then Bridges Road until we hit some more pleasant road reserve and finally rested for lunch on Lights Hummocks.
The bag of jelly snakes had been left back in the car, however I was able to sub with jelly mini-dinosaurs distributed with a blessing from the "Rose".

From there, a quick walk along more back roads, through lush fields, past inquisitive cows with gender disorder and back to the cars.
A quick drink at the musically orientated Wheatsheaf Hotel at Allendale North and then a scramble for the showers and happy hour at Cabin 11, no 12, Vicki was confused.
Happy hour brings out the extroverts and show offs and this evening was no exception.
The hippest of the hip!!
Unfortunately, I must confess, being somewhat subdued in my attire, being over-shadowed by Peter Wynen with his hair out (a sight not very often seen) and a variety of "Flower Power" outfits including some rather hip hippies.
Dinner at the Sir John Franklin followed with a repast of varying quality, certainly not up to the standard of many of the community organisations, who have fed us on previous End to Ends.
With daylight saving causing a loss of an hour's sleep and an early start, there was a hasty retreat back to camp and bed, however not all succumbed to the sack, and went on to have post prandial coffee, chocolates and port.