With rain overnight, hopes weren't that high for a dry day. Poking a nose outside the accommodation confirmed the idea that drizzle was in the air. The clan gathered outside the Northern Star, the site of the previous night's infamy!.
In spite of the overcast day, spirits were high for a good walk, and so the group alighted at Murraytown and after a brief sermon, in which Russell pointed out that next month's theme "Tour de France" could include anything French (but not condoms) we were off.
The green road reserve, out of Murray Town |
Some pleasant road reserve walking ensued with the weather remaining clement and some better view of Mount Remarkable were obtained.
Mt Remarkable sans cloud (that's French you know). |
In parts, mud was still sticky on the track, and it was good to find some patches of grass in the off the road proper.
John with muddy road. |
Finally, we were able to get off the road for a while and cross Yellowman Creek, circuit alongside a rather nice, albeit too short, gorge to emerge onto some fields.
It was then back onto the road to Melrose, with a rapid traverse, a group photo at the BIG tree and then to the cars.
The BIG tree |
Everyone seemed in a hurry to be home, though our sights were set on Café de Laura for a pie.
Next month THE MOUNT!!